/** Core script to handle the entire theme and core functions **/ var selectSrchInit = function () { // IE mode var isRTL = false; var isIE8 = false; var isIE9 = false; var isIE10 = false; var sidebarWidth = 225; var sidebarCollapsedWidth = 35; var responsiveHandlers = []; // theme layout color set var layoutColorCodes = { 'blue': '#4b8df8', 'red': '#e02222', 'green': '#35aa47', 'purple': '#852b99', 'grey': '#555555', 'light-grey': '#fafafa', 'yellow': '#ffb848' }; // To get the correct viewport width based on http://andylangton.co.uk/articles/javascript/get-viewport-size-javascript/ var _getViewPort = function () { var e = window, a = 'inner'; if (!('innerWidth' in window)) { a = 'client'; e = document.documentElement || document.body; } return { width: e[a + 'Width'], height: e[a + 'Height'] } } // initializes main settings var handleInit = function () { if ($('body').css('direction') === 'rtl') { isRTL = true; } isIE8 = !! navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 8.0/); isIE9 = !! navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 9.0/); isIE10 = !! navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 10.0/); if (isIE10) { jQuery('html').addClass('ie10'); // detect IE10 version } if (isIE10 || isIE9 || isIE8) { jQuery('html').addClass('ie'); // detect IE10 version } /* Virtual keyboards: Also, note that if you're using inputs in your modal – iOS has a rendering bug which doesn't update the position of fixed elements when the virtual keyboard is triggered */ var deviceAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (deviceAgent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/)) { $(document).on('focus', 'input, textarea', function () { $('.header').hide(); $('.footer').hide(); }); $(document).on('blur', 'input, textarea', function () { $('.header').show(); $('.footer').show(); }); } } var handleSidebarState = function () { // remove sidebar toggler if window width smaller than 992(for tablet and phone mode) var viewport = _getViewPort(); if (viewport.width < 992) { $('body').removeClass("page-sidebar-closed"); } } // runs callback functions set by App.addResponsiveHandler(). var runResponsiveHandlers = function () { // reinitialize other subscribed elements for (var i in responsiveHandlers) { var each = responsiveHandlers[i]; each.call(); } } // reinitialize the laypot on window resize var handleResponsive = function () { handleSidebarState(); handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); handleFixedSidebar(); runResponsiveHandlers(); } // initialize the layout on page load var handleResponsiveOnInit = function () { handleSidebarState(); handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); } // handle the layout reinitialization on window resize var handleResponsiveOnResize = function () { var resize; if (isIE8) { var currheight; $(window).resize(function () { if (currheight == document.documentElement.clientHeight) { return; //quite event since only body resized not window. } if (resize) { clearTimeout(resize); } resize = setTimeout(function () { handleResponsive(); }, 50); // wait 50ms until window resize finishes. currheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; // store last body client height }); } else { $(window).resize(function () { if (resize) { clearTimeout(resize); } resize = setTimeout(function () { handleResponsive(); }, 50); // wait 50ms until window resize finishes. }); } } //* BEGIN:CORE HANDLERS *// // this function handles responsive layout on screen size resize or mobile device rotate. // Set proper height for sidebar and content. The content and sidebar height must be synced always. var handleSidebarAndContentHeight = function () { var content = $('.page-content'); var sidebar = $('.page-sidebar'); var body = $('body'); var height; if (body.hasClass("page-footer-fixed") === true && body.hasClass("page-sidebar-fixed") === false) { var available_height = $(window).height() - $('.footer').outerHeight(); if (content.height() < available_height) { content.attr('style', 'min-height:' + available_height + 'px !important'); } } else { if (body.hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed')) { height = _calculateFixedSidebarViewportHeight(); } else { height = sidebar.height() + 20; } if (height >= content.height()) { content.attr('style', 'min-height:' + height + 'px !important'); } } } // Handle sidebar menu var handleSidebarMenu = function () { jQuery('.page-sidebar').on('click', 'li > a', function (e) { if ($(this).next().hasClass('sub-menu') == false) { if ($('.btn-navbar').hasClass('collapsed') == false) { $('.btn-navbar').click(); } return; } if ($(this).next().hasClass('sub-menu.always-open')) { return; } var parent = $(this).parent().parent(); var the = $(this); parent.children('li.open').children('a').children('.arrow').removeClass('open'); parent.children('li.open').children('.sub-menu').slideUp(200); parent.children('li.open').removeClass('open'); var sub = jQuery(this).next(); var slideOffeset = -200; var slideSpeed = 200; if (sub.is(":visible")) { jQuery('.arrow', jQuery(this)).removeClass("open"); jQuery(this).parent().removeClass("open"); sub.slideUp(slideSpeed, function () { if ($('body').hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed') == false && $('body').hasClass('page-sidebar-closed') == false) { selectSrchInit.scrollTo(the, slideOffeset); } handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); }); } else { jQuery('.arrow', jQuery(this)).addClass("open"); jQuery(this).parent().addClass("open"); sub.slideDown(slideSpeed, function () { if ($('body').hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed') == false && $('body').hasClass('page-sidebar-closed') == false) { selectSrchInit.scrollTo(the, slideOffeset); } handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); }); } e.preventDefault(); }); // handle ajax links jQuery('.page-sidebar').on('click', ' li > a.ajaxify', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); selectSrchInit.scrollTop(); var url = $(this).attr("href"); var menuContainer = jQuery('.page-sidebar ul'); var pageContent = $('.page-content'); var pageContentBody = $('.page-content .page-content-body'); menuContainer.children('li.active').removeClass('active'); menuContainer.children('arrow.open').removeClass('open'); $(this).parents('li').each(function () { $(this).addClass('active'); $(this).children('a > span.arrow').addClass('open'); }); $(this).parents('li').addClass('active'); selectSrchInit.blockUI(pageContent, false); $.ajax({ type: "GET", cache: false, url: url, dataType: "html", success: function (res) { selectSrchInit.unblockUI(pageContent); pageContentBody.html(res); selectSrchInit.fixContentHeight(); // fix content height selectSrchInit.initAjax(); // initialize core stuff }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { pageContentBody.html('

Could not load the requested content.

'); selectSrchInit.unblockUI(pageContent); }, async: false }); }); } // Helper function to calculate sidebar height for fixed sidebar layout. var _calculateFixedSidebarViewportHeight = function () { var sidebarHeight = $(window).height() - $('.header').height() + 1; if ($('body').hasClass("page-footer-fixed")) { sidebarHeight = sidebarHeight - $('.footer').outerHeight(); } return sidebarHeight; } // Handles fixed sidebar var handleFixedSidebar = function () { var menu = $('.page-sidebar-menu'); if (menu.parent('.slimScrollDiv').size() === 1) { // destroy existing instance before updating the height menu.slimScroll({ destroy: true }); menu.removeAttr('style'); $('.page-sidebar').removeAttr('style'); } if ($('.page-sidebar-fixed').size() === 0) { handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); return; } var viewport = _getViewPort(); if (viewport.width >= 992) { var sidebarHeight = _calculateFixedSidebarViewportHeight(); menu.slimScroll({ size: '7px', color: '#a1b2bd', opacity: .3, position: isRTL ? 'left' : 'right', height: sidebarHeight, allowPageScroll: false, disableFadeOut: false }); handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); } } // Handles the sidebar menu hover effect for fixed sidebar. var handleFixedSidebarHoverable = function () { if ($('body').hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed') === false) { return; } $('.page-sidebar').off('mouseenter').on('mouseenter', function () { var body = $('body'); if ((body.hasClass('page-sidebar-closed') === false || body.hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed') === false) || $(this).hasClass('page-sidebar-hovering')) { return; } body.removeClass('page-sidebar-closed').addClass('page-sidebar-hover-on'); if (body.hasClass("page-sidebar-reversed")) { $(this).width(sidebarWidth); } else { $(this).addClass('page-sidebar-hovering'); $(this).animate({ width: sidebarWidth }, 400, '', function () { $(this).removeClass('page-sidebar-hovering'); }); } }); $('.page-sidebar').off('mouseleave').on('mouseleave', function () { var body = $('body'); if ((body.hasClass('page-sidebar-hover-on') === false || body.hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed') === false) || $(this).hasClass('page-sidebar-hovering')) { return; } if (body.hasClass("page-sidebar-reversed")) { $('body').addClass('page-sidebar-closed').removeClass('page-sidebar-hover-on'); $(this).width(sidebarCollapsedWidth); } else { $(this).addClass('page-sidebar-hovering'); $(this).animate({ width: sidebarCollapsedWidth }, 400, '', function () { $('body').addClass('page-sidebar-closed').removeClass('page-sidebar-hover-on'); $(this).removeClass('page-sidebar-hovering'); }); } }); } // Handles sidebar toggler to close/hide the sidebar. var handleSidebarToggler = function () { var viewport = _getViewPort(); if ($.cookie('sidebar_closed') === '1' && viewport.width >= 992) { $('body').addClass('page-sidebar-closed'); } // handle sidebar show/hide $('.page-sidebar, .header').on('click', '.sidebar-toggler', function (e) { var body = $('body'); var sidebar = $('.page-sidebar'); if ((body.hasClass("page-sidebar-hover-on") && body.hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed')) || sidebar.hasClass('page-sidebar-hovering')) { body.removeClass('page-sidebar-hover-on'); sidebar.css('width', '').hide().show(); handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); //fix content & sidebar height $.cookie('sidebar_closed', '0'); e.stopPropagation(); runResponsiveHandlers(); return; } $(".sidebar-search", sidebar).removeClass("open"); if (body.hasClass("page-sidebar-closed")) { body.removeClass("page-sidebar-closed"); if (body.hasClass('page-sidebar-fixed')) { sidebar.css('width', ''); } $.cookie('sidebar_closed', '0'); } else { body.addClass("page-sidebar-closed"); $.cookie('sidebar_closed', '1'); } handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); //fix content & sidebar height runResponsiveHandlers(); }); // handle the search bar close $('.page-sidebar').on('click', '.sidebar-search .remove', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.sidebar-search').removeClass("open"); }); // handle the search query submit on enter press $('.page-sidebar .sidebar-search').on('keypress', 'input.form-control', function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { $('.sidebar-search').submit(); return false; //<---- Add this line } }); // handle the search submit(for sidebar search and responsive mode of the header search) $('.sidebar-search .submit').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($('body').hasClass("page-sidebar-closed")) { if ($('.sidebar-search').hasClass('open') == false) { if ($('.page-sidebar-fixed').size() === 1) { $('.page-sidebar .sidebar-toggler').click(); //trigger sidebar toggle button } $('.sidebar-search').addClass("open"); } else { $('.sidebar-search').submit(); } } else { $('.sidebar-search').submit(); } }); // header search box: // handle the search query submit on enter press $('.header .search-form').on('keypress', 'input.form-control', function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { $('.sidebar-search').submit(); return false; //<---- Add this line } }); //handle header search button click $('.header .search-form .submit').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.header .search-form').submit(); }); } // Handles the horizontal menu var handleHorizontalMenu = function () { //handle hor menu search form toggler click $('.header').on('click', '.hor-menu .hor-menu-search-form-toggler', function (e) { if ($(this).hasClass('off')) { $(this).removeClass('off'); $('.header .hor-menu .search-form').hide(); } else { $(this).addClass('off'); $('.header .hor-menu .search-form').show(); } e.preventDefault(); }); //handle tab click $('.header').on('click', '.hor-menu a[data-toggle="tab"]', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var nav = $(".hor-menu .nav"); var active_link = nav.find('li.current'); $('li.active', active_link).removeClass("active"); $('.selected', active_link).remove(); var new_link = $(this).parents('li').last(); new_link.addClass("current"); new_link.find("a:first").append(''); }); //handle hor menu search button click $('.header').on('click', '.hor-menu .search-form .btn', function (e) { $('.form-search').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }); //handle hor menu search form on enter press $('.header').on('keypress', '.hor-menu .search-form input', function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { $('.form-search').submit(); return false; } }); } // Handles the go to top button at the footer var handleGoTop = function () { /* set variables locally for increased performance */ jQuery('.footer').on('click', '.go-top', function (e) { selectSrchInit.scrollTo(); e.preventDefault(); }); } // Handles portlet tools & actions var handlePortletTools = function () { jQuery('body').on('click', '.portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > a.remove', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery(this).closest(".portlet").remove(); }); jQuery('body').on('click', '.portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > a.reload', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var el = jQuery(this).closest(".portlet").children(".portlet-body"); selectSrchInit.blockUI(el); window.setTimeout(function () { selectSrchInit.unblockUI(el); }, 1000); }); jQuery('body').on('click', '.portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > .collapse, .portlet .portlet-title > .tools > .expand', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var el = jQuery(this).closest(".portlet").children(".portlet-body"); if (jQuery(this).hasClass("collapse")) { jQuery(this).removeClass("collapse").addClass("expand"); el.slideUp(200); } else { jQuery(this).removeClass("expand").addClass("collapse"); el.slideDown(200); } }); } // Handles custom checkboxes & radios using jQuery Uniform plugin var handleUniform = function () { if (!jQuery().uniform) { return; } var test = $("input[type=checkbox]:not(.toggle), input[type=radio]:not(.toggle, .star)"); if (test.size() > 0) { test.each(function () { if ($(this).parents(".checker").size() == 0) { $(this).show(); $(this).uniform(); } }); } } // Handles Bootstrap Accordions. var handleAccordions = function () { var lastClicked; //add scrollable class name if you need scrollable panes jQuery('body').on('click', '.accordion.scrollable .accordion-toggle', function () { lastClicked = jQuery(this); }); //move to faq section jQuery('body').on('show.bs.collapse', '.accordion.scrollable', function () { jQuery('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: lastClicked.offset().top - 150 }, 'slow'); }); } // Handles Bootstrap Tabs. var handleTabs = function () { // fix content height on tab click $('body').on('shown.bs.tab', '.nav.nav-tabs', function () { handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); }); //activate tab if tab id provided in the URL if (location.hash) { var tabid = location.hash.substr(1); $('a[href="#' + tabid + '"]').parents('.tab-pane:hidden').each(function(){ var tabid = $(this).attr("id"); $('a[href="#' + tabid + '"]').click(); }); $('a[href="#' + tabid + '"]').click(); } } // Handles Bootstrap Modals. var handleModals = function () { // fix stackable modal issue: when 2 or more modals opened, closing one of modal will remove .modal-open class. $('body').on('hide.bs.modal', function () { if ($('.modal:visible').size() > 1 && $('html').hasClass('modal-open') == false) { $('html').addClass('modal-open'); } else if ($('.modal:visible').size() <= 1) { $('html').removeClass('modal-open'); } }); $('body').on('show.bs.modal', '.modal', function () { if ($(this).hasClass("modal-scroll")) { $('body').addClass("modal-open-noscroll"); } }); $('body').on('hide.bs.modal', '.modal', function () { $('body').removeClass("modal-open-noscroll"); }); } // Handles Bootstrap Tooltips. var handleTooltips = function () { //jQuery('.tooltips').tooltip(); } // Handles Bootstrap Dropdowns var handleDropdowns = function () { /* For touch supported devices disable the hoverable dropdowns - data-hover="dropdown" */ if (selectSrchInit.isTouchDevice()) { $('[data-hover="dropdown"]').each(function(){ $(this).parent().off("hover"); $(this).off("hover"); }); } /* Hold dropdown on click */ $('body').on('click', '.dropdown-menu.hold-on-click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } // Handle Hower Dropdowns var handleDropdownHover = function () { $('[data-hover="dropdown"]').dropdownHover(); } var handleAlerts = function () { $('body').on('click', '[data-close="alert"]', function(e){ $(this).parent('.alert').hide(); e.preventDefault(); }); } // Handles Bootstrap Popovers // last popep popover var lastPopedPopover; var handlePopovers = function () { //jQuery('.popovers').popover(); // close last poped popover $(document).on('click.bs.popover.data-api', function (e) { if (lastPopedPopover) { lastPopedPopover.popover('hide'); } }); } // Handles scrollable contents using jQuery SlimScroll plugin. var handleScrollers = function () { $('.scroller').each(function () { var height; if ($(this).attr("data-height")) { height = $(this).attr("data-height"); } else { height = $(this).css('height'); } $(this).slimScroll({ size: '7px', color: ($(this).attr("data-handle-color") ? $(this).attr("data-handle-color") : '#a1b2bd'), railColor: ($(this).attr("data-rail-color") ? $(this).attr("data-rail-color") : '#333'), position: isRTL ? 'left' : 'right', height: height, alwaysVisible: ($(this).attr("data-always-visible") == "1" ? true : false), railVisible: ($(this).attr("data-rail-visible") == "1" ? true : false), disableFadeOut: true }); }); } // Handles Image Preview using jQuery Fancybox plugin var handleFancybox = function () { if (!jQuery.fancybox) { return; } if (jQuery(".fancybox-button").size() > 0) { jQuery(".fancybox-button").fancybox({ groupAttr: 'data-rel', prevEffect: 'none', nextEffect: 'none', closeBtn: true, helpers: { title: { type: 'inside' } } }); } } // Fix input placeholder issue for IE8 and IE9 var handleFixInputPlaceholderForIE = function () { //fix html5 placeholder attribute for ie7 & ie8 if (isIE8 || isIE9) { // ie8 & ie9 // this is html5 placeholder fix for inputs, inputs with placeholder-no-fix class will be skipped(e.g: we need this for password fields) jQuery('input[placeholder]:not(.placeholder-no-fix), textarea[placeholder]:not(.placeholder-no-fix)').each(function () { var input = jQuery(this); if (input.val() == '' && input.attr("placeholder") != '') { input.addClass("placeholder").val(input.attr('placeholder')); } input.focus(function () { if (input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) { input.val(''); } }); input.blur(function () { if (input.val() == '' || input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) { input.val(input.attr('placeholder')); } }); }); } } // Handle full screen mode toggle var handleFullScreenMode = function() { // mozfullscreenerror event handler // toggle full screen function toggleFullScreen() { if (!document.fullscreenElement && // alternative standard method !document.mozFullScreenElement && !document.webkitFullscreenElement) { // current working methods if (document.documentElement.requestFullscreen) { document.documentElement.requestFullscreen(); } else if (document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen) { document.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) { document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); } } else { if (document.cancelFullScreen) { document.cancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) { document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } } } $('#trigger_fullscreen').click(function() { toggleFullScreen(); }); } // Handle Select2 Dropdowns var handleSelect2 = function() { if (jQuery().selectSrchFun) { $('.sp-select-srch').selectSrchFun({ placeholder: "Select", allowClear: true }); } } // Handle Theme Settings var handleTheme = function () { var panel = $('.theme-panel'); if ($('body').hasClass('page-boxed') == false) { $('.layout-option', panel).val("fluid"); } $('.sidebar-option', panel).val("default"); $('.header-option', panel).val("fixed"); $('.footer-option', panel).val("default"); if ( $('.sidebar-pos-option').attr("disabled") === false) { $('.sidebar-pos-option', panel).val(selectSrchInit.isRTL() ? 'right' : 'left'); } //handle theme layout var resetLayout = function () { $("body"). removeClass("page-boxed"). removeClass("page-footer-fixed"). removeClass("page-sidebar-fixed"). removeClass("page-header-fixed"). removeClass("page-sidebar-reversed"); $('.header > .header-inner').removeClass("container"); if ($('.page-container').parent(".container").size() === 1) { $('.page-container').insertAfter('body > .clearfix'); } if ($('.footer > .container').size() === 1) { $('.footer').html($('.footer > .container').html()); } else if ($('.footer').parent(".container").size() === 1) { $('.footer').insertAfter('.page-container'); } $('body > .container').remove(); } var lastSelectedLayout = ''; var setLayout = function () { var layoutOption = $('.layout-option', panel).val(); var sidebarOption = $('.sidebar-option', panel).val(); var headerOption = $('.header-option', panel).val(); var footerOption = $('.footer-option', panel).val(); var sidebarPosOption = $('.sidebar-pos-option', panel).val(); if (sidebarOption == "fixed" && headerOption == "default") { alert('Default Header with Fixed Sidebar option is not supported. Proceed with Fixed Header with Fixed Sidebar.'); $('.header-option', panel).val("fixed"); $('.sidebar-option', panel).val("fixed"); sidebarOption = 'fixed'; headerOption = 'fixed'; } resetLayout(); // reset layout to default state if (layoutOption === "boxed") { $("body").addClass("page-boxed"); // set header $('.header > .header-inner').addClass("container"); var cont = $('body > .clearfix').after('
'); // set content $('.page-container').appendTo('body > .container'); // set footer if (footerOption === 'fixed') { $('.footer').html('
' + $('.footer').html() + '
'); } else { $('.footer').appendTo('body > .container'); } } if (lastSelectedLayout != layoutOption) { //layout changed, run responsive handler: runResponsiveHandlers(); } lastSelectedLayout = layoutOption; //header if (headerOption === 'fixed') { $("body").addClass("page-header-fixed"); $(".header").removeClass("navbar-static-top").addClass("navbar-fixed-top"); } else { $("body").removeClass("page-header-fixed"); $(".header").removeClass("navbar-fixed-top").addClass("navbar-static-top"); } //sidebar if (sidebarOption === 'fixed') { $("body").addClass("page-sidebar-fixed"); } else { $("body").removeClass("page-sidebar-fixed"); } //footer if (footerOption === 'fixed') { $("body").addClass("page-footer-fixed"); } else { $("body").removeClass("page-footer-fixed"); } //sidebar position if (selectSrchInit.isRTL()) { if (sidebarPosOption === 'left') { $("body").addClass("page-sidebar-reversed"); $('#frontend-link').tooltip('destroy').tooltip({placement: 'right'}); } else { $("body").removeClass("page-sidebar-reversed"); $('#frontend-link').tooltip('destroy').tooltip({placement: 'left'}); } } else { if (sidebarPosOption === 'right') { $("body").addClass("page-sidebar-reversed"); $('#frontend-link').tooltip('destroy').tooltip({placement: 'left'}); } else { $("body").removeClass("page-sidebar-reversed"); $('#frontend-link').tooltip('destroy').tooltip({placement: 'right'}); } } handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); // fix content height handleFixedSidebar(); // reinitialize fixed sidebar handleFixedSidebarHoverable(); // reinitialize fixed sidebar hover effect } // handle theme colors var setColor = function (color) { var color_ = (selectSrchInit.isRTL() ? color + '-rtl' : color); $('#style_color').attr("href", "assets/css/themes/" + color_ + ".css"); $.cookie('style_color', color); } $('.toggler', panel).click(function () { $('.toggler').hide(); $('.toggler-close').show(); $('.theme-panel > .theme-options').show(); }); $('.toggler-close', panel).click(function () { $('.toggler').show(); $('.toggler-close').hide(); $('.theme-panel > .theme-options').hide(); }); $('.theme-colors > ul > li', panel).click(function () { var color = $(this).attr("data-style"); setColor(color); $('ul > li', panel).removeClass("current"); $(this).addClass("current"); }); $('.layout-option, .header-option, .sidebar-option, .footer-option, .sidebar-pos-option', panel).change(setLayout); if ($.cookie('style_color')) { setColor($.cookie('style_color')); } } //* END:CORE HANDLERS *// return { //main function to initiate the theme init: function () { //IMPORTANT!!!: Do not modify the core handlers call order. //core handlers handleInit(); // initialize core variables handleResponsiveOnResize(); // set and handle responsive handleUniform(); // hanfle custom radio & checkboxes handleScrollers(); // handles slim scrolling contents handleResponsiveOnInit(); // handler responsive elements on page load //layout handlers handleFixedSidebar(); // handles fixed sidebar menu handleFixedSidebarHoverable(); // handles fixed sidebar on hover effect handleSidebarMenu(); // handles main menu handleHorizontalMenu(); // handles horizontal menu handleSidebarToggler(); // handles sidebar hide/show handleFixInputPlaceholderForIE(); // fixes/enables html5 placeholder attribute for IE9, IE8 handleGoTop(); //handles scroll to top functionality in the footer handleTheme(); // handles style customer tool //ui component handlers handleFancybox() // handle fancy box handleSelect2(); // handle custom Select2 dropdowns handlePortletTools(); // handles portlet action bar functionality(refresh, configure, toggle, remove) handleAlerts(); //handle closabled alerts handleDropdowns(); // handle dropdowns handleTabs(); // handle tabs handleTooltips(); // handle bootstrap tooltips handlePopovers(); // handles bootstrap popovers handleAccordions(); //handles accordions handleModals(); // handle modals handleFullScreenMode(); // handles full screen }, //main function to initiate core javascript after ajax complete initAjax: function () { handleSelect2(); // handle custom Select2 dropdowns handleDropdowns(); // handle dropdowns handleTooltips(); // handle bootstrap tooltips handlePopovers(); // handles bootstrap popovers handleAccordions(); //handles accordions handleUniform(); // hanfle custom radio & checkboxes handleDropdownHover() // handles dropdown hover }, //public function to fix the sidebar and content height accordingly fixContentHeight: function () { handleSidebarAndContentHeight(); }, //public function to remember last opened popover that needs to be closed on click setLastPopedPopover: function (el) { lastPopedPopover = el; }, //public function to add callback a function which will be called on window resize addResponsiveHandler: function (func) { responsiveHandlers.push(func); }, // useful function to make equal height for contacts stand side by side setEqualHeight: function (els) { var tallestEl = 0; els = jQuery(els); els.each(function () { var currentHeight = $(this).height(); if (currentHeight > tallestEl) { tallestColumn = currentHeight; } }); els.height(tallestEl); }, // wrapper function to scroll(focus) to an element scrollTo: function (el, offeset) { pos = (el && el.size() > 0) ? el.offset().top : 0; jQuery('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: pos + (offeset ? offeset : 0) }, 'slow'); }, // function to scroll to the top scrollTop: function () { selectSrchInit.scrollTo(); }, // wrapper function to block element(indicate loading) blockUI: function (el, centerY) { var el = jQuery(el); if (el.height() <= 400) { centerY = true; } el.block({ message: '', centerY: centerY != undefined ? centerY : true, css: { top: '10%', border: 'none', padding: '2px', backgroundColor: 'none' }, overlayCSS: { backgroundColor: '#000', opacity: 0.05, cursor: 'wait' } }); }, // wrapper function to un-block element(finish loading) unblockUI: function (el, clean) { jQuery(el).unblock({ onUnblock: function () { jQuery(el).css('position', ''); jQuery(el).css('zoom', ''); } }); }, // initializes uniform elements initUniform: function (els) { if (els) { jQuery(els).each(function () { if ($(this).parents(".checker").size() == 0) { $(this).show(); $(this).uniform(); } }); } else { handleUniform(); } }, //wrapper function to update/sync jquery uniform checkbox & radios updateUniform: function (els) { $.uniform.update(els); // update the uniform checkbox & radios UI after the actual input control state changed }, //public function to initialize the fancybox plugin initFancybox: function () { handleFancybox(); }, //public helper function to get actual input value(used in IE9 and IE8 due to placeholder attribute not supported) getActualVal: function (el) { var el = jQuery(el); if (el.val() === el.attr("placeholder")) { return ""; } return el.val(); }, //public function to get a paremeter by name from URL getURLParameter: function (paramName) { var searchString = window.location.search.substring(1), i, val, params = searchString.split("&"); for (i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { val = params[i].split("="); if (val[0] == paramName) { return unescape(val[1]); } } return null; }, // check for device touch support isTouchDevice: function () { try { document.createEvent("TouchEvent"); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }, // check IE8 mode isIE8: function () { return isIE8; }, // check IE9 mode isIE9: function () { return isIE9; }, //check RTL mode isRTL: function () { return isRTL; }, // get layout color code by color name getLayoutColorCode: function (name) { if (layoutColorCodes[name]) { return layoutColorCodes[name]; } else { return ''; } } }; }();