(function () { function __extend() { var extended = {}, deep = false, i = 0, length = arguments.length if (Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments[0]) == '[object Boolean]') { deep = arguments[0] i++ } var merge = function (obj) { for (var prop in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) { if (deep && Object.prototype.toString.call(obj[prop]) == '[object Object]') { extended[prop] = __extend(true, extended[prop], obj[prop]) } else { extended[prop] = obj[prop] } } } } for (; i < length; i++) { var obj = arguments[i] merge(obj) } return extended } function __unique(array) { return array.filter(function onlyUnique(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }) } if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') { function __doRequest( method, url, contentType, accept, headers, body, _onRequestError, callback ) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest xhr.open(method, url, true) xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', contentType) xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', accept) for (var key in headers) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]) } xhr.onerror = function () { callback(xhr, xhr.status) } xhr.onload = function () { try { callback(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText), xhr.status) } catch (e) { callback(xhr, xhr.status) } } xhr.send(body) } } else if (typeof require === 'function') { function __doRequest( method, url, contentType, accept, headers, body, onRequestError, callback ) { var http = require('http'), https = require('https'), URL = require('url'), uri = URL.parse(url) var req = (uri.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http).request({ protocol: uri.protocol, hostname: uri.hostname, port: uri.port, path: uri.path, method: method.toUpperCase(), headers: __extend({ 'Content-type': contentType, 'Accept': accept }, headers) }, function (response) { var str = '' response.setEncoding('utf8') response.on('data', function (chunk) { str += chunk }) response.on('end', function () { callback(JSON.parse(str), response.statusCode) }) }) if (typeof onRequestError === 'function') { req.on('error', function (err) { onRequestError(err); }); } req.write(body) req.end() } } function __request(debug, method, url, headers, data, asJson, onRequestError, callback) { if (!url) { return; } if (asJson) { var body = JSON.stringify({ query: data.query, variables: data.variables }); } else { var body = "query=" + encodeURIComponent(data.query) + "&variables=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data.variables)) } if (debug) { console.groupCollapsed('[graphql]: ' + method.toUpperCase() + ' ' + url + ': ' + data.query.split(/\n/)[0].substr(0, 50) + '... with ' + JSON.stringify(data.variables).substr(0, 50) + '...') console.log('QUERY: %c%s', 'font-weight: bold', data.query) console.log('VARIABLES: %c%s\n\nsending as ' + (asJson ? 'json' : 'form url-data'), 'font-weight: bold', JSON.stringify(data.variables, null, 2), data.variables) console.groupEnd() } for (var key in headers) { if (typeof headers[key] === 'function') { headers[key] = headers[key]() } } __doRequest( method, url, asJson ? 'application/json' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/json', headers, body, onRequestError, callback ) } function __isTagCall(strings) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(strings) == '[object Array]' && strings.raw } function GraphQLClient(url, options) { if (!(this instanceof GraphQLClient)) { var client = new GraphQLClient(url, options, true) var _lazy = client._sender for (var m in client) { if (typeof client[m] == 'function') { _lazy[m] = client[m].bind(client) if (client[m].declare) _lazy[m].declare = client[m].declare.bind(client) if (client[m].run) _lazy[m].run = client[m].run.bind(client) } } return _lazy } else if (arguments[2] !== true) { throw new Error("You cannot create GraphQLClient instance. Please call GraphQLClient as function.") } if (!options) options = {} if (!options.fragments) options.fragments = {} this.url = url this.options = options || {} this._fragments = this.buildFragments(options.fragments) this._sender = this.createSenderFunction(options.debug) this.createHelpers(this._sender) this._transaction = {} } // "fragment auth.login" will be "fragment auth_login" FRAGMENT_SEPERATOR = "_" // The autodeclare keyword. GraphQLClient.AUTODECLARE_PATTERN = /\(@autodeclare\)|\(@autotype\)/g GraphQLClient.FRAGMENT_PATTERN = /\.\.\.\s*([A-Za-z0-9\.\_]+)/g // Flattens nested object /* * {a: {b: {c: 1, d: 2}}} => {"a.b.c": 1, "a.b.d": 2} */ GraphQLClient.prototype.flatten = function (object) { var prefix = arguments[1] || "", out = arguments[2] || {}, name for (name in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(name)) { typeof object[name] == "object" ? this.flatten(object[name], prefix + name + FRAGMENT_SEPERATOR, out) : out[prefix + name] = object[name] } } return out } GraphQLClient.prototype.setUrl = function (url) { this.url = url return this.url } GraphQLClient.prototype.getUrl = function () { return this.url } // Gets path from object /* * {a: {b: {c: 1, d: 2}}}, "a.b.c" => 1 */ GraphQLClient.prototype.fragmentPath = function (fragments, path) { var getter = new Function("fragments", "return fragments." + path.replace(/\./g, FRAGMENT_SEPERATOR)) var obj = getter(fragments) if (path != "on" && (!obj || typeof obj != "string")) { throw new Error("Fragment " + path + " not found") } return obj } GraphQLClient.prototype.collectFragments = function (query, fragments) { var that = this var fragmentRegexp = GraphQLClient.FRAGMENT_PATTERN var collectedFragments = [] ; (query.match(fragmentRegexp) || []).forEach(function (fragment) { var path = fragment.replace(fragmentRegexp, function (_, $m) { return $m }) var fragment = that.fragmentPath(fragments, path) if (fragment) { var pathRegexp = new RegExp(fragmentRegexp.source.replace(/\((.*)\)/, path) + '$') if (fragment.match(pathRegexp)) { throw new Error("Recursive fragment usage detected on " + path + ".") } collectedFragments.push(fragment) // Collect sub fragments var alreadyCollectedFragments = collectedFragments.filter(function (alreadyCollected) { return alreadyCollected.match(new RegExp("fragment " + path)) }) if (alreadyCollectedFragments.length > 0 && fragmentRegexp.test(fragment)) { that.collectFragments(fragment, fragments).forEach(function (fragment) { collectedFragments.unshift(fragment) }) } } }) return __unique(collectedFragments) } GraphQLClient.prototype.processQuery = function (query, fragments) { if (typeof query == 'object' && query.hasOwnProperty('kind') && query.hasOwnProperty('definitions')) { throw new Error("Do not use graphql AST to send requests. Please generate query as string first using `graphql.print(query)`") } var fragmentRegexp = GraphQLClient.FRAGMENT_PATTERN var collectedFragments = this.collectFragments(query, fragments) query = query.replace(fragmentRegexp, function (_, $m) { return "... " + $m.split(".").join(FRAGMENT_SEPERATOR) }) return [query].concat(collectedFragments.filter(function (fragment) { // Remove already used fragments return !query.match(fragment) })).join("\n") } GraphQLClient.prototype.autoDeclare = function (query, variables) { var that = this var typeMap = { string: "String", number: function (value) { return value % 1 === 0 ? "Int" : "Float"; }, boolean: "Boolean" } return query.replace(GraphQLClient.AUTODECLARE_PATTERN, function () { var types = [] for (var key in variables) { var value = variables[key] var keyAndType = key.split("!") var mapping = typeMap[typeof (value)] var mappedType = typeof (mapping) === "function" ? mapping(value) : mapping if (!key.match("!") && keyAndType[0].match(/_?id/i)) { mappedType = "ID" } var type = (keyAndType[1] || mappedType) if (type) { types.push("$" + keyAndType[0] + ": " + type + "!") } } types = types.join(", ") return types ? "(" + types + ")" : "" }) } GraphQLClient.prototype.cleanAutoDeclareAnnotations = function (variables) { if (!variables) variables = {} var newVariables = {} for (var key in variables) { var value = variables[key] var keyAndType = key.split("!") newVariables[keyAndType[0]] = value } return newVariables } GraphQLClient.prototype.buildFragments = function (fragments) { var that = this fragments = this.flatten(fragments || {}) var fragmentObject = {} for (var name in fragments) { var fragment = fragments[name] if (typeof fragment == "object") { fragmentObject[name] = that.buildFragments(fragment) } else { fragmentObject[name] = "\nfragment " + name + " " + fragment } } return fragmentObject } GraphQLClient.prototype.buildQuery = function (query, variables) { return this.autoDeclare(this.processQuery(query, this._fragments), variables) } GraphQLClient.prototype.parseType = function (query) { var match = query.trim().match(/^(query|mutation|subscription)/) if (!match) return 'query' return match[1] } GraphQLClient.prototype.createSenderFunction = function (debug) { var that = this return function (query, originalQuery, type) { if (__isTagCall(query)) { return that.run(that.ql.apply(that, arguments)) } var caller = function (variables, requestOptions) { if (!requestOptions) requestOptions = {} if (!variables) variables = {} var fragmentedQuery = that.buildQuery(query, variables) headers = __extend((that.options.headers || {}), (requestOptions.headers || {})) return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { __request(debug, that.options.method || "post", that.getUrl(), headers, { query: fragmentedQuery, variables: that.cleanAutoDeclareAnnotations(variables) }, !!that.options.asJSON, that.options.onRequestError, function (response, status) { if (status == 200) { if (response.errors) { reject(response.errors) } else if (response.data) { resolve(response.data) } else { resolve(response) } } else { reject(response) } }) }) } caller.merge = function (mergeName, variables) { if (!type) { type = that.parseType(query) query = query.trim() .replace(/^(query|mutation|subscription)\s*/, '').trim() .replace(GraphQLClient.AUTODECLARE_PATTERN, '').trim() .replace(/^\{|\}$/g, '') } if (!originalQuery) { originalQuery = query } that._transaction[mergeName] = that._transaction[mergeName] || { query: [], mutation: [] } return new Promise(function (resolve) { that._transaction[mergeName][type].push({ type: type, query: originalQuery, variables: variables, resolver: resolve }) }) } if (arguments.length > 3) { return caller.apply(null, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3)) } return caller } } GraphQLClient.prototype.commit = function (mergeName) { if (!this._transaction[mergeName]) { throw new Error("You cannot commit the merge " + mergeName + " without creating it first.") } var that = this var resolveMap = {} var mergedVariables = {} var mergedQueries = {} Object.keys(this._transaction[mergeName]).forEach(function (method) { if (that._transaction[mergeName][method].length === 0) return var subQuery = that._transaction[mergeName][method].map(function (merge) { var reqId = 'merge' + Math.random().toString().split('.')[1].substr(0, 6) resolveMap[reqId] = merge.resolver var query = merge.query.replace(/\$([^\.\,\s\)]*)/g, function (_, m) { if (!merge.variables) { throw new Error('Unused variable on merge ' + mergeName + ': $' + m[0]) } var matchingKey = Object.keys(merge.variables).filter(function (key) { return key === m || key.match(new RegExp('^' + m + '!')) })[0] var variable = reqId + '__' + matchingKey mergedVariables[method] = mergedVariables[method] || {} mergedVariables[method][variable] = merge.variables[matchingKey] return '$' + variable.split('!')[0] }) var alias = query.trim().match(/^[^\(]+\:/) if (!alias) { alias = query.replace(/^\{|\}$/gm, '').trim().match(/^[^\(\{]+/)[0] + ':' } else { query = query.replace(/^[^\(]+\:/, '') } return reqId + '_' + alias + query }).join('\n') mergedQueries[method] = mergedQueries[method] || [] mergedQueries[method].push(method + " (@autodeclare) {\n" + subQuery + "\n }") }) return Promise.all(Object.keys(mergedQueries).map(function (method) { var query = mergedQueries[method].join('\n') var variables = mergedVariables[method] return that._sender(query, query, null, variables) })).then(function (responses) { var newResponses = {} responses.forEach(function (response) { Object.keys(response).forEach(function (mergeKey) { var parsedKey = mergeKey.match(/^(merge\d+)\_(.*)/) if (!parsedKey) { throw new Error('Multiple root keys detected on response. Merging doesn\'t support it yet.') } var reqId = parsedKey[1] var fieldName = parsedKey[2] var newResponse = {} newResponse[fieldName] = response[mergeKey] newResponses[fieldName] = (newResponses[fieldName] || []).concat([response[mergeKey]]) resolveMap[reqId](newResponse) }) }) return newResponses }).catch(function (responses) { return { error: true, errors: responses } }).finally(function (responses) { that._transaction[mergeName] = { query: [], mutation: [] } return responses }) } GraphQLClient.prototype.createHelpers = function (sender) { var that = this function helper(query) { if (__isTagCall(query)) { that.__prefix = this.prefix that.__suffix = this.suffix var result = that.run(that.ql.apply(that, arguments)) that.__prefix = "" that.__suffix = "" return result } var caller = sender(this.prefix + " " + query + " " + this.suffix, query.trim(), this.type) if (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] != null) { return caller.apply(null, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) } return caller } var helpers = [ { method: 'mutate', type: 'mutation' }, { method: 'query', type: 'query' }, { method: 'subscribe', type: 'subscription' } ] helpers.forEach(function (m) { that[m.method] = function (query, variables, options) { if (that.options.alwaysAutodeclare === true || (options && options.declare === true)) { return helper.call({ type: m.type, prefix: m.type + " (@autodeclare) {", suffix: "}" }, query, variables) } return helper.call({ type: m.type, prefix: m.type, suffix: "" }, query, variables) } that[m.method].run = function (query, options) { return that[m.method](query, options)({}) } }) this.run = function (query) { return sender(query, originalQuery, m.type, {}) } } GraphQLClient.prototype.fragments = function () { return this._fragments } GraphQLClient.prototype.getOptions = function () { return this.options || {} } GraphQLClient.prototype.headers = function (newHeaders) { return this.options.headers = __extend(this.options.headers, newHeaders) } GraphQLClient.prototype.fragment = function (fragment) { if (typeof fragment == 'string') { var _fragment = this._fragments[fragment.replace(/\./g, FRAGMENT_SEPERATOR)] if (!_fragment) { throw "Fragment " + fragment + " not found!" } return _fragment.trim() } else { this.options.fragments = __extend(true, this.options.fragments, fragment) this._fragments = this.buildFragments(this.options.fragments) return this._fragments } } GraphQLClient.prototype.ql = function (strings) { var that = this fragments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) fragments = fragments.map(function (fragment) { if (typeof fragment == 'string') { return fragment.match(/fragment\s+([^\s]*)\s/)[1] } }) var query = (typeof strings == 'string') ? strings : strings.reduce(function (acc, seg, i) { return acc + fragments[i - 1] + seg }) query = this.buildQuery(query) query = ((this.__prefix || "") + " " + query + " " + (this.__suffix || "")).trim() return query } ; (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(function () { return (root.graphql = factory(GraphQLClient)) }); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(root.GraphQLClient) } else { root.graphql = factory(root.GraphQLClient) } }(this, function () { return GraphQLClient })) })()