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- import inherits from 'inherits';
- import CommandInterceptor from 'diagram-js/lib/command/CommandInterceptor';
- import {
- getBusinessObject
- } from '../../../util/ModelUtil';
- import {
- isAny
- } from '../util/ModelingUtil';
- /**
- * A component that makes sure that each created or updated
- * Pool and Lane is assigned an isHorizontal property set to true.
- *
- * @param {EventBus} eventBus
- */
- export default function IsHorizontalFix(eventBus) {
- CommandInterceptor.call(this, eventBus);
- var elementTypesToUpdate = [
- 'bpmn:Participant',
- 'bpmn:Lane'
- ];
- this.executed([ 'shape.move', 'shape.create', 'shape.resize' ], function(event) {
- var bo = getBusinessObject(event.context.shape);
- if (isAny(bo, elementTypesToUpdate) && !bo.di.get('isHorizontal')) {
- // set attribute directly to avoid modeling#updateProperty side effects
- bo.di.set('isHorizontal', true);
- }
- });
- }
- IsHorizontalFix.$inject = [ 'eventBus' ];
- inherits(IsHorizontalFix, CommandInterceptor);