123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463 |
- $axure.internal(function($ax) {
- var _move = {};
- $ax.move = _move;
- var widgetMoveInfo = {};
- //register and return move info, also create container for rootlayer if needed
- $ax.move.PrepareForMove = function (id, x, y, to, options, jobj, rootLayer, skipContainerForRootLayer) {
- var fixedInfo = jobj ? {} : $ax.dynamicPanelManager.getFixedInfo(id);
- var widget = $jobj(id);
- var query = $ax('#' + id);
- var isLayer = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(id) == $ax.constants.LAYER_TYPE;
- if(!rootLayer) {
- rootLayer = _move.getRootLayer(id);
- if (rootLayer && !skipContainerForRootLayer) {
- $ax.visibility.pushContainer(rootLayer, false);
- if (isLayer) widget = $ax.visibility.applyWidgetContainer(id, true);
- }
- }
- if (!jobj) jobj = widget;
- var horzProp = 'left';
- var vertProp = 'top';
- var offsetLocation = to ? query.offsetLocation() : undefined;
- var horzX = to ? x - offsetLocation.x : x;
- var vertY = to ? y - offsetLocation.y : y;
- //var horzX = to ? x - query.locRelativeIgnoreLayer(false) : x;
- //var vertY = to ? y - query.locRelativeIgnoreLayer(true) : y;
- if (fixedInfo.horizontal == 'right') {
- horzProp = 'right';
- horzX = to ? $(window).width() - x - $ax.getNumFromPx(jobj.css('right')) - query.width() : -x;
- var leftChanges = -horzX;
- } else if(fixedInfo.horizontal == 'center') {
- horzProp = 'margin-left';
- if (to) horzX = x - $(window).width() / 2;
- }
- if (fixedInfo.vertical == 'bottom') {
- vertProp = 'bottom';
- vertY = to ? $(window).height() - y - $ax.getNumFromPx(jobj.css('bottom')) - query.height() : -y;
- var topChanges = -vertY;
- } else if (fixedInfo.vertical == 'middle') {
- vertProp = 'margin-top';
- if (to) vertY = y - $(window).height() / 2;
- }
- //todo currently this always save the info, which is not needed for compound vector children and maybe some other cases
- //let's optimize it later, only register if registerid is valid..
- widgetMoveInfo[id] = {
- x: leftChanges === undefined ? horzX : leftChanges,
- y: topChanges === undefined ? vertY : topChanges,
- options: options
- };
- return {
- horzX: horzX,
- vertY: vertY,
- horzProp: horzProp,
- vertProp: vertProp,
- rootLayer: rootLayer,
- jobj: jobj
- };
- };
- $ax.move.GetWidgetMoveInfo = function() {
- return $.extend({}, widgetMoveInfo);
- };
- _move.getRootLayer = function (id) {
- var isLayer = $ax.getTypeFromElementId(id) == $ax.constants.LAYER_TYPE;
- var rootLayer = isLayer ? id : '';
- var parentIds = $ax('#' + id).getParents(true, '*')[0];
- for(var i = 0; i < parentIds.length; i++) {
- var parentId = parentIds[i];
- // Keep climbing up layers until you hit a non-layer. At that point you have your root layer
- if($ax.public.fn.IsLayer($ax.getTypeFromElementId(parentId))) rootLayer = parentId;
- else break;
- }
- return rootLayer;
- };
- $ax.move.MoveWidget = function (id, x, y, options, to, animationCompleteCallback, shouldFire, jobj, skipOnMoveEvent) {
- var moveInfo = $ax.move.PrepareForMove(id, x, y, to, options, jobj);
- $ax.drag.LogMovedWidgetForDrag(id, options.dragInfo);
- var object = $obj(id);
- if(object && $ax.public.fn.IsLayer(object.type)) {
- var childrenIds = $ax.public.fn.getLayerChildrenDeep(id, true);
- //don't push container when register moveinfo for child
- if(!skipOnMoveEvent) {
- for(var i = 0; i < childrenIds.length; i++) $ax.move.PrepareForMove(childrenIds[i], x, y, to, options, null, moveInfo.rootLayer, true);
- }
- }
- //if(!moveInfo) moveInfo = _getMoveInfo(id, x, y, to, options, jobj);
- jobj = moveInfo.jobj;
- _moveElement(id, options, animationCompleteCallback, shouldFire, jobj, moveInfo);
- if(skipOnMoveEvent) return;
- $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(id, "onMove");
- if(childrenIds) {
- for(var i = 0; i < childrenIds.length; i++) $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(childrenIds[i], 'onMove');
- }
- };
- var _moveElement = function (id, options, animationCompleteCallback, shouldFire, jobj, moveInfo){
- var cssStyles = {};
- if(!$ax.dynamicPanelManager.isPercentWidthPanel($obj(id))) cssStyles[moveInfo.horzProp] = '+=' + moveInfo.horzX;
- cssStyles[moveInfo.vertProp] = '+=' + moveInfo.vertY;
- $ax.visibility.moveMovedLocation(id, moveInfo.horzX, moveInfo.vertY);
- // I don't think root layer is necessary anymore after changes to layer container structure.
- // Wait to try removing it until more stable.
- var rootLayer = moveInfo.rootLayer;
- var query = $addAll(jobj, id);
- var completeCount = query.length;
- var completeAnimation = function() {
- completeCount--;
- if(completeCount == 0 && rootLayer) $ax.visibility.popContainer(rootLayer, false);
- if(animationCompleteCallback) animationCompleteCallback();
- if(shouldFire) $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(id, $ax.action.queueTypes.move);
- };
- if(options.easing==='none') {
- query.animate(cssStyles, { duration: 0, queue: false });
- if(rootLayer) $ax.visibility.popContainer(rootLayer, false);
- if(animationCompleteCallback) animationCompleteCallback();
- //if this widget is inside a layer, we should just remove the layer from the queue
- if(shouldFire) $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(id, $ax.action.queueTypes.move);
- } else if (options.trajectory === 'straight' || moveInfo.horzX === 0 || moveInfo.vertY === 0) {
- query.animate(cssStyles, {
- duration: options.duration, easing: options.easing, queue: false, complete: completeAnimation});
- } else {
- var initialHorzProp = $ax.getNumFromPx(query.css(moveInfo.horzProp));
- var initialVertProp = $ax.getNumFromPx(query.css(moveInfo.vertProp));
- var state = { parameter: 0 };
- var ellipseArcFunctionY = function(param) {
- return {
- x: initialHorzProp + (1.0 - Math.cos(param * Math.PI * 0.5)) * moveInfo.horzX,
- y: initialVertProp + Math.sin(param * Math.PI * 0.5) * moveInfo.vertY
- };
- };
- var ellipseArcFunctionX = function (param) {
- return {
- x: initialHorzProp + Math.sin(param * Math.PI * 0.5) * moveInfo.horzX,
- y: initialVertProp + (1.0 - Math.cos(param * Math.PI * 0.5)) * moveInfo.vertY
- };
- };
- var ellipseArcFunction = (moveInfo.horzX > 0) ^ (moveInfo.vertY > 0) ^ options.trajectory === 'arcClockwise'
- ? ellipseArcFunctionX : ellipseArcFunctionY;
- var inverseFunction = $ax.public.fn.inversePathLengthFunction(ellipseArcFunction);
- $(state).animate({ parameter: 1.0 }, {
- duration: options.duration, easing: options.easing, queue: false,
- step: function (now) {
- var newPos = ellipseArcFunction(inverseFunction(now));
- var changeFields = {};
- changeFields[moveInfo.horzProp] = newPos.x;
- changeFields[moveInfo.vertProp] = newPos.y;
- query.css(changeFields);
- },
- complete: completeAnimation});
- }
- // //moveinfo is used for moving 'with this'
- // var moveInfo = new Object();
- // moveInfo.x = horzX;
- // moveInfo.y = vertY;
- // moveInfo.options = options;
- // widgetMoveInfo[id] = moveInfo;
- };
- _move.nopMove = function(id, options) {
- var moveInfo = new Object();
- moveInfo.x = 0;
- moveInfo.y = 0;
- moveInfo.options = {};
- moveInfo.options.easing = 'none';
- moveInfo.options.duration = 0;
- widgetMoveInfo[id] = moveInfo;
- // Layer move using container now.
- var obj = $obj(id);
- if($ax.public.fn.IsLayer(obj.type)) if(options.onComplete) options.onComplete();
- $ax.event.raiseSyntheticEvent(id, "onMove");
- };
- //rotationDegree: total degree to rotate
- //centerPoint: the center of the circular path
- var _noRotateOnlyMove = function (id, moveDelta, rotatableMove, fireAnimationQueue, easing, duration, completionCallback) {
- moveDelta.x += rotatableMove.x;
- moveDelta.y += rotatableMove.y;
- if (moveDelta.x == 0 && moveDelta.y == 0) {
- if(fireAnimationQueue) {
- $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(id, $ax.action.queueTypes.rotate);
- $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(id, $ax.action.queueTypes.move);
- }
- if (completionCallback) completionCallback();
- } else {
- $jobj(id).animate({ top: '+=' + moveDelta.y, left: '+=' + moveDelta.x }, {
- duration: duration,
- easing: easing,
- queue: false,
- complete: function () {
- if(fireAnimationQueue) {
- $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(id, $ax.action.queueTypes.move);
- $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(id, $ax.action.queueTypes.rotate);
- }
- if (completionCallback) completionCallback();
- }
- });
- }
- }
- _move.circularMove = function (id, degreeDelta, centerPoint, moveDelta, rotatableMove, resizeOffset, options, fireAnimationQueue, completionCallback, willDoRotation) {
- var elem = $jobj(id);
- if(!willDoRotation) elem = $addAll(elem, id);
- var moveInfo = $ax.move.PrepareForMove(id, moveDelta.x, moveDelta.y, false, options);
- // If not rotating, still need to check moveDelta and may need to handle that.
- if (degreeDelta === 0) {
- _noRotateOnlyMove(id, moveDelta, rotatableMove, fireAnimationQueue, options.easing, options.duration, completionCallback);
- return;
- }
- var stepFunc = function(newDegree) {
- var deg = newDegree - rotation.degree;
- var widgetCenter = $ax('#' + id).offsetBoundingRect().centerPoint;
- //var widgetCenter = $ax.public.fn.getWidgetBoundingRect(id).centerPoint;
- //console.log("widget center of " + id + " x " + widgetCenter.x + " y " + widgetCenter.y);
- var widgetNewCenter = $axure.fn.getPointAfterRotate(deg, widgetCenter, centerPoint);
- // Start by getting the move not related to rotation, and make sure to update center point to move with it.
- var ratio = deg / degreeDelta;
- var xdelta = (moveDelta.x + rotatableMove.x) * ratio;
- var ydelta = (moveDelta.y + rotatableMove.y) * ratio;
- if(resizeOffset) {
- var resizeShift = {};
- resizeShift.x = resizeOffset.x * ratio;
- resizeShift.y = resizeOffset.y * ratio;
- $axure.fn.getPointAfterRotate(rotation.degree, resizeShift, { x: 0, y: 0 });
- xdelta += resizeShift.x;
- ydelta += resizeShift.y;
- }
- centerPoint.x += xdelta;
- centerPoint.y += ydelta;
- // Now for the move that is rotatable, it must be rotated
- rotatableMove = $axure.fn.getPointAfterRotate(deg, rotatableMove, { x: 0, y: 0 });
- // Now add in circular move to the mix.
- xdelta += widgetNewCenter.x - widgetCenter.x;
- ydelta += widgetNewCenter.y - widgetCenter.y;
- $ax.visibility.moveMovedLocation(id, xdelta, ydelta);
- if(xdelta < 0) elem.css('left', '-=' + -xdelta);
- else if(xdelta > 0) elem.css('left', '+=' + xdelta);
- if(ydelta < 0) elem.css('top', '-=' + -ydelta);
- else if(ydelta > 0) elem.css('top', '+=' + ydelta);
- };
- var onComplete = function() {
- if(fireAnimationQueue) $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(id, $ax.action.queueTypes.move);
- if(completionCallback) completionCallback();
- if(moveInfo.rootLayer) $ax.visibility.popContainer(moveInfo.rootLayer, false);
- var isPercentWidthPanel = $ax.dynamicPanelManager.isPercentWidthPanel($obj(id));
- if(isPercentWidthPanel) {
- $ax.dynamicPanelManager.updatePanelPercentWidth(id);
- $ax.dynamicPanelManager.updatePanelContentPercentWidth(id);
- }
- if(elem.css('position') == 'fixed') {
- if(!isPercentWidthPanel) elem.css('left', '');
- elem.css('top', '');
- }
- };
- var rotation = { degree: 0 };
- if(!options.easing || options.easing === 'none' || options.duration <= 0) {
- stepFunc(degreeDelta);
- onComplete();
- } else {
- $(rotation).animate({ degree: degreeDelta }, {
- duration: options.duration,
- easing: options.easing,
- queue: false,
- step: stepFunc,
- complete: onComplete
- });
- }
- };
- //rotate a widget by degree, center is 50% 50%
- _move.rotate = function (id, degree, easing, duration, to, shouldFire, completionCallback) {
- var currentDegree = _move.getRotationDegree(id);
- if(to) degree = degree - currentDegree;
- if(degree === 0) {
- if (shouldFire) $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(id, $ax.action.queueTypes.rotate);
- return;
- }
- var query = $jobj(id);
- var stepFunc = function(now) {
- var degreeDelta = now - rotation.degree;
- var newDegree = currentDegree + degreeDelta;
- query.css($ax.public.fn.setTransformHowever("rotate(" + newDegree + "deg)"));
- currentDegree = newDegree;
- };
- var onComplete = function() {
- if(shouldFire) {
- $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue($ax.public.fn.compoundIdFromComponent(id), $ax.action.queueTypes.rotate);
- }
- if(completionCallback) completionCallback();
- $ax.annotation.adjustIconLocation(id);
- };
- var rotation = { degree: 0 };
- $ax.visibility.setRotatedAngle(id, currentDegree + degree);
- //if no animation, setting duration to 1, to prevent RangeError in rotation loops without animation
- if(!easing || easing === 'none' || duration <= 0) {
- stepFunc(degree);
- onComplete();
- } else {
- $(rotation).animate({ degree: degree }, {
- duration: duration,
- easing: easing,
- queue: false,
- step: stepFunc,
- complete: onComplete
- });
- }
- };
- _move.compoundRotateAround = function (id, degreeDelta, centerPoint, moveDelta, rotatableMove, resizeOffset, easing, duration, fireAnimationQueue, completionCallback) {
- if (degreeDelta === 0) {
- _noRotateOnlyMove($ax.public.fn.compoundIdFromComponent(id), moveDelta, rotatableMove, fireAnimationQueue, easing, duration, completionCallback, $ax.action.queueTypes.rotate);
- return;
- }
- var elem = $jobj(id);
- var rotation = { degree: 0 };
- if (!easing || easing === 'none' || duration <= 0) {
- duration = 1;
- easing = 'linear'; //it doesn't matter anymore here...
- }
- var originalWidth = $ax.getNumFromPx(elem.css('width'));
- var originalHeight = $ax.getNumFromPx(elem.css('height'));
- var originalLeft = $ax.getNumFromPx(elem.css('left'));
- var originalTop = $ax.getNumFromPx(elem.css('top'));
- $(rotation).animate({ degree: degreeDelta }, {
- duration: duration,
- easing: easing,
- queue: false,
- step: function (newDegree) {
- var transform = $ax.public.fn.transformFromElement(elem[0]);
- var originalCenter = { x: originalLeft + 0.5 * originalWidth, y: originalTop + 0.5 * originalHeight};
- var componentCenter = { x: originalCenter.x + transform[4], y: originalCenter.y + transform[5] };
- var deg = newDegree - rotation.degree;
- var ratio = deg / degreeDelta;
- var xdelta = (moveDelta.x + rotatableMove.x) * ratio;
- var ydelta = (moveDelta.y + rotatableMove.y) * ratio;
- if (resizeOffset) {
- var resizeShift = {};
- resizeShift.x = resizeOffset.x * ratio;
- resizeShift.y = resizeOffset.y * ratio;
- $axure.fn.getPointAfterRotate(rotation.degree, resizeShift, { x: 0, y: 0 });
- xdelta += resizeShift.x;
- ydelta += resizeShift.y;
- }
- var rotationMatrix = $ax.public.fn.rotationMatrix(deg);
- var compositionTransform = $ax.public.fn.matrixMultiplyMatrix(rotationMatrix,
- { m11: transform[0], m21: transform[1], m12: transform[2], m22: transform[3] });
- //console.log("widget center of " + id + " x " + widgetCenter.x + " y " + widgetCenter.y);
- var widgetNewCenter = $axure.fn.getPointAfterRotate(deg, componentCenter, centerPoint);
- var newMatrix = $ax.public.fn.matrixString(compositionTransform.m11, compositionTransform.m21, compositionTransform.m12, compositionTransform.m22,
- widgetNewCenter.x - originalCenter.x + xdelta, widgetNewCenter.y - originalCenter.y + ydelta);
- elem.css($ax.public.fn.setTransformHowever(newMatrix));
- },
- complete: function () {
- if (fireAnimationQueue) {
- $ax.action.fireAnimationFromQueue(elem.parent()[0].id, $ax.action.queueTypes.rotate);
- }
- if(completionCallback) completionCallback();
- }
- });
- };
- _move.getRotationDegreeFromElement = function(element) {
- if(element == null) return NaN;
- var transformString = element.style['transform'] ||
- element.style['-o-transform'] ||
- element.style['-ms-transform'] ||
- element.style['-moz-transform'] ||
- element.style['-webkit-transform'];
- if(transformString) {
- var rotateRegex = /rotate\(([-?0-9]+)deg\)/;
- var degreeMatch = rotateRegex.exec(transformString);
- if(degreeMatch && degreeMatch[1]) return parseFloat(degreeMatch[1]);
- }
- if(window.getComputedStyle) {
- var st = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);
- } else {
- console.log('rotation is not supported for ie 8 and below in this version of axure rp');
- return 0;
- }
- var tr = st.getPropertyValue("transform") ||
- st.getPropertyValue("-o-transform") ||
- st.getPropertyValue("-ms-transform") ||
- st.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform") ||
- st.getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform");
- if(!tr || tr === 'none') return 0;
- var values = tr.split('(')[1];
- values = values.split(')')[0],
- values = values.split(',');
- var a = values[0];
- var b = values[1];
- var radians = Math.atan2(b, a);
- if(radians < 0) {
- radians += (2 * Math.PI);
- }
- return radians * (180 / Math.PI);
- };
- _move.getRotationDegree = function(elementId) {
- if($ax.public.fn.IsLayer($obj(elementId).type)) {
- return $jobj(elementId).data('layerDegree');
- }
- return _move.getRotationDegreeFromElement(document.getElementById(elementId));
- }
- });